Anka - Cuidado de pezuñas


#100% stainless steel. Easy cleaning, light (850kg) and resistant.
#Fully hydraulic. Piston driven system: Reliable, affordable and easy maintenance. 
#Very Silent. Helical gear pump, low-pulsation, high-efficiency.


Leg restraint designed with the optimal angle to minimize the hoof trimmer effort with the grinder. Upright back in natural position, not bent over, not too upright.

You can trim for hours with no back fatigue.


Double belly band for a fast, safe and nonstresful lift and restraint of the cow. Special leg restraint with no movement possibilities, adapted for working with the most agressive grinders.

The ANKA concept of “one cow in/one cow out” offers a smooth and nonstressful cow transition. In addition to specific cattle handling equipment (ex. High performance barrier, bud box, working alley) allows to achieve paces of two minutes and a half per cow.

Anka in Action

1. Low Stress Cattle Handling 
One of the key issues for hoof trimming is to not disturb the normal behaviour of the cows and also the general management of the farm

2. ANKA Efficiency

Its silent and fast hydraulic system combined with the ANKA cow in/cow out flow system give a Smooth and Nonstressful cattle transition

Cow comfort

Quality work

For all sizes


© 2020 ANKAPODOL SL. Pol. Ind. Cruz Blanca C/B 1, 31160, Orkoien, Navarra SPAIN